I'm erica from paris. So excited to talk with you here! I like your videos, they are so warm and informative. And since we are in the 2nd lockdown, finally I started your programs couch to handstand. I am so happy I made this choice!
OK back to the subject. I follow along all episodes of " couch to handstand" since the 1st november. Now I slowed down a little bit so I am in 'day 25'.
Since day 24, I found my head always knocked to the wall when I kicked up. And if I put my hands far away from wall, I would be too scared to kick
Here is the link of my latest training for day 25~ https://www.instagram.com/p/CIG8bnaBH2t/ (sorry, the video is accelerated..)
From your tutorials, I understand that I got a very tight shoulder. So I am also doing your 17 mins 'shoulder streching follow along' almost everyday before handstand pratice. Maybe my problem is also caused by my shoulder?
Thank you so much! and bon courage to everyone in the way to handbalancing!
Best wishes!